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pNiFty3 - mIFN-β promoter - AP-1 - ZeocinR - Lucia

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20 µg


pNiFty3-A-Lucia plasmid is composed of three key elements:  the mouse interferon beta minimal promoter, five AP-1 transcription factor binding sites and a secreted luciferase (Lucia) reporter gene.

pNiFty3-A-Lucia plasmid is selectable with Zeocin™ in both E. coli and mammalian cells, and can be used to generate stable clones.

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Transcription factor binding sites: AP-1 (5x)
Minimal Promoter: mouse IFNβ promoter
Selection: Zeocin™
Reporter Gene: Lucia luciferase

These products are covered by a Limited Use License (See Terms and Conditions).

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  • 20 µg of lyophilized DNA
  • 1 ml of Zeocin™ (100 mg/ml)

room temperature Product is shipped at room temperature.

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Minimal promoter

The  proximal promoters are shorter than 500   bp and contain transcription   factor binding sites. Upon stimulation  in  293 cells, their expression   level remains undetectable. With the   addition of repeated TFBS, the   proximal promoters become inducible by   the appropriate stimulus and   drive the expression of the reporter gene.

IFN-β promoter:  the mouse IFN-β minimal promoter comprises several positive regulatory  domains that bind different cooperating transcription factors such as  NF-kB, IRF3 and IRF7 [1].

Transcription factor binding sites (TFBS)

AP-1 binding site: Activator  protein 1 (AP-1) is a transcription factor activated by most PRRs. AP-1  is a heterodimeric complex composed of members of Fos, Jun and, ATF  protein families. AP-1 binds to the TPA responsive element (TRE: ;  TGAG/CTCA) [2]. AP-1 activation in TLR signaling is mostly mediated by  MAP kinases such as c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38 and extracellular  signal regulated kinase (ERK).

Reporter Gene

Lucia luciferase reporter gene: Lucia is a secreted luciferase with strong bioluminescent activity
The   Lucia reporter gene is ideal for promoter activity and gene   expression  studies. Lucia is encoded by a synthetic gene derived by   genetic  engineering of copepod luciferase genes. Lucia luciferase   activity can  be detected and quantified directly in the culture medium   of  transfected cells using InvivoGen's QUANTI-Luc™ detection reagent.

1.  Vodjdani G. et al., 1988. Structure and characterization of a murine  chromosomal fragment containing the interferon beta gene. J Mol Biol.  204(2):221-31.
2. Hess J, et al., 2004. AP-1 subunits: quarrel and harmony among siblings. J Cell Sci. 117(Pt 25):5965-73.

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