
ODN 2088

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ODN 2088

TLR9 antagonist - Mouse preferred

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200 µg

1 mg

5 mg


TLR9 Antagonist - Inhibitory ODN, preference towards mouse

Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes specific unmethylated CpG oligonucleotide (ODN) sequences that distinguish microbial DNA from mammalian DNA.

Studies suggest the existence of DNA sequences that can neutralize the stimulatory effect of CpG ODNs [1].

These sequences are characterized by three consecutive Gs downstream of a C or A, addition of a fourth G (G-tetrads) increases the inhibitory capability.

The most potent inhibitory sequences are (TTAGGG)4 found in mammalian telomeres [2] and ODN 2088 which derives from a stimulatory ODN by replacement of 3 bases [3].

Inhibitory ODNs act by disrupting the colocalization of CpG ODNs with TLR9 in endosomal vesicles without affecting cellular binding and uptake.



1. Krieg AM. et al., 1998. Sequence motifs in adenoviral DNA block immune activation by stimulatory CpG motifs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 95(21): 12631-6.
2. Gursel I. et al., 2003. Repetitive elements in mammalian telomeres suppress bacterial DNA-induced immune activation. J Immunol. 171(3):1393-400.
3. Stunz LL. et al., 2002. Inhibitory oligodinucleotides specifically block effects of stimulatory CpG oligonucleotides in B cells. Eur J Immunol. 32(5): 1212-22.

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Specificity: murine TLR9 antagonist

Working concentration: 100 nM - 10 µM

Solubility:  2.5 mg/ml in water

ODN 2088 sequence
5’- tcc tgg cgg gga agt -3’ (15 mer)
Note: Bases are phosphorothioate (nuclease resistant).

Quality control:

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ODN 2088 is provided lyophilized and is available in three quantities:

  • 200 μg (41 nmol): tlrl-2088 (formerly tlrl-minhodn)
  • 1 mg (205 nmol): tlrl-2088-5 (formerly tlrl-minhodn-5)
  • 5 mg (1.025 mmol): tlrl-2088-5 (formerly tlrl-minhodn-5)
  • 1.5 ml endotoxin-free water

room temperature ODN 2088 is shipped at room temperature.

store Upon receipt, store at -20 °C.

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