
Cell Transfection & Transduction

Transfection of a GFP-expressing plasmid
Transfection of THP-1 cells
with a GFP-expressing plasmid

InvivoGen provides highly efficient transfection and transduction reagents

Gene transfer methods are essential tools in genetic research and biotechnology, enabling the introduction of 'foreign' DNA into host cells. Two widely used methods are transfection and viral transduction.


Transfection refers to the non-viral transfer of DNA into cells, such as plasmids or siRNA. This method can be accomplished using chemical (e.g. cationic lipids), physical (electroporation), or biological (bacterial systems) methods. The newly introduced nucleic acids can exist either transiently, whereby the gene is only expressed for a limited period and does not replicate, or stably, whereby the gene integrates into the genome of the recipient cell. After cell transfection, a key factor in the stable incorporation of a gene into the genome is the maintenance of selection pressure in cell culture using an appropriate selective antibiotic. The transfection technique is commonly used in cell culture studies for gene expression analysis, gene knockdown, and production of recombinant proteins.


Viral transduction, on the other hand, utilizes viruses as vectors to deliver genetic material into cells. Viruses are engineered to carry desired genes, and their natural infection mechanisms are harnessed to introduce these genes into the host genome. Common viral vectors include retroviruses, lentiviruses, adenoviruses, and adeno-associated viruses (AAV). Each type of virus has unique properties that make it suitable for specific applications. Viral transduction is a powerful tool, often used in gene therapy, where long-term expression of the therapeutic gene is required.

InvivoGen offers a choice of transfection and transduction boosters:

  • LyoVec™: A proprietary cationic lipid-based transfection reagent belonging to a family of phosphonolipids. It is simple to use in the transfection of numerous cell lines, such as the human embryonic kidney -293 (HEK-293) cell line.
  • NATE™: A non-toxic, highly efficient nucleic acid transfection/transduction enhancer to boost transduction and transfection (stable/transient) efficacy. It has been designed for use in combination with reagents and techniques recommended for immortalized cell lines (i.e. THP-1 and RAW 264.7) as well as primary T cells. 
  • Selective Antibiotics: A comprehensive range of highly pure and endotoxin-free selective antibiotics including, Blasticidin, Zeocin™, Puromycin, G418, Hygromycin B Gold, and Phleomycin. They can be used for selection in both mammalian and bacterial cells.

Both methods have their advantages and limitations, and the choice between transfection and viral transduction depends on the specific requirements of the experiment, including the type of cells used, the desired duration of gene expression, and the efficiency needed. 


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